ISO 9001 - Quality Management System
Successful companies always deliver quality - from the customer service, product they establish, to the way of operation. This is a strategic vision to improve brand equity and image and ensure you are better equipped to win new opportunities in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.
ISO 9001 Benefits:
ISO 9001 QMS provides the infrastructure, procedures, processes and resources needed to assist organisations in monitoring and improving their quality performance to drive efficiencies as well as product/services excellence.
When the ISO 9001 Quality Management System is certified, the benefits include:
Enhanced competitive capacity
Greater customer interest and satisfaction
Increased productivity with corresponding waste reduction
Overall product, processes and services quality improvements
Valuable contribution to, and feature of broader corporate business strategies and objectives
Fulfilled tender requirements set by HKSAR Government departments, such as the Housing Department and Electrical & Mechanical Services Department

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System
Environment preservation is one of the major issues we are facing in the world. As customers are becoming more environment concern, proof of a responsible to the environment is becoming a key purchasing criteria. Environmentally concerned client prefers to do business with like-minded companies, i.e. those who demonstrate their commitment through internationally recognised standards such as the ISO 14000 series.
ISO 14001 Benefits:
Through devising, implementing and maintaining an ISO 14001 EMS, organisations can adopt and/or refine a dynamic infrastructure, procedures, processes and resources necessary for enhancing and optimising environmental responsibility and performance. When the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is certified, the benefits include:
When the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is certified, the benefits include:
Reduced environmental impacts from an organisation’s activities, products or services
Improvement overall environmental performance of the organisation
Compliance with local environmental legislative and regulatory requirements
Reduction of overall business expenditures through reducing and/or avoiding resource consumption and waste production
Increased supplier’s environmental performance
Response to pressure from all relevant stakeholders
Increased employee’s environmental awareness and engagement

ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety
Organisations of all kinds are increasingly concerned about achieving and demonstrating sound Occupational Health and Safety performance to their shareholders, employees, clients and other stakeholders by managing the hazards and improving the beneficial effects of their activities, products and services. Increasingly, stringent legislation, the development of economic policies, human resources management and other measures are used to foster Occupational Health and Safety protection and welfare. A general growth of concern from stakeholders and other interested parties suggests a clear commitment to Occupational Health and Safety is required.
ISO 45001 Benefits:
ISO 45001 provides a framework that helps organisations create and demonstrate their effective occupational health and safety management systems. The standard can also be integrated with other management systems – e.g. ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems), etc. to improve overall management/system. Other benefits include:
When the ISO 45001 Environmental Management System is certified, the benefits include:
Improvement in corporate image and credibility among stakeholders, regulators, customers, prospective clients and the public
Adoption and application of international best practices in relation to risk management
Assured greater health and well-being of employees, sub-contractors and the public
Minimisation of liability of employers through adoption of proactive rather than reactive controls
Ensured legislative awareness and compliance
Fewer accidents and incidents through reduction and/or elimination of workplace hazards
Increased employee satisfaction and contentment through the provision of a healthier and safer workplace