Hong Kong Green Label Scheme
The above fees do not include testing reports submitted by the applicant under the requirement of HKGLS
1. Application Fee / Renewal Fee
An Application Fee of HKD8,000 per product criteria for the first 3 years
A Renewal Fee of HKD3,800 per product criteria which is payable upon each renewal of the licence for a 3-year period
The Application Fee/ Renewal Fee is non-returnable and must be sent with the application. A new application may be required for significant modifications in product characteristics
2. Evaluation Fee / On-site Audit Fee
A) An Evaluation Fee of HKD2,000 per product will be charged upon award of the Green Label
B) An on-site factory audit will be required if the Product Criteria involve recycled content*. An On-site Audit Fee (HKD8,000 per personday) will be charged instead of the Evaluation Fee. The number of persondays is calculated based upon the size of the premise, the complexity of the production process, number of staff and location. Travelling time of the auditor(s) to and from the factory will be included in the total number of persondays. The applicant is required to pay the on-site audit fee 14 days before the audit date. Please contact the Green Council for accurate audit cost estimates
* HKGLS Code No.
GL-001-002 Paper Envelope
GL-001-003 Note-pad
GL-001-004 Paper Folder
GL-001-005 Toilet Paper
GL-001-006 Paper Towel
GL-002-001 Plastic Folder
GL-002-002 PVC Pipe and Fitting
GL-002-003 Plastic Bags for Non-food Products
GL-002-004 Plastic Products for Office Use
GL-002-005 Non-clothing Products Using Recycled Plastics
GL-005-002 Ink and Toner Cartridges
GL-005-007 Textile Product Using Recycled Materials
GL-005-008 Printing Paper
GL-005-009 Consumer Paper Packaging
GL-008-001 Building Material Made of Fly Ash
GL-008-002 Flooring Materials (only applicable for flooring materials made of recycled materials)
GL-008-003 Wall Coverings
GL-008-005 Carpeting Modular
GL-008-009 Building Products Using Recycled Materials
GL-008-011 Building Products Using Natural Minerals
3. Licence Fee
A Licence Fee for 3 years of HKD6,000 per product will be charged upon award of the Green Label
4. Other Notes
The above fee does not include bank charges and other extra fees (e.g. fees on remittance, postage, transportation, etc). The Applicant shall be responsible for settling the above expenses
The above fees do not include testing reports submitted by the applicant under the requirement of HKGLS
An administration fee of HKD1,000 per certificate will be collected for amendments to an existing certificate
The HKGLS's fee for the first application of a single product, which does not require on-site audit:
First 3 years
Application Fee HKD8,000.00
Evaluation Fee HKD2,000.00
Licence Fee for 3 years HKD6,000.00
Total HKD16,000.00
Renewal (after 3 years)
Renewal Fee HKD3,800.00
Evaluation Fee HKD2,000.00
Licence Fee for 3 years HKD6,000.00
Total HKD11,800.00
The above fees do not include testing reports submitted by the applicant under the requirement of HKGLS